Wednesday, June 05, 2013

dear liam - sixteen weeks


You will be 17 weeks tomorrow, so I am just barely getting this in. A lot has happened since I last wrote you 12 weeks ago.  I started back to work and Mrs. Kirstin has been keeping you.  You smile so big when you see her each morning, which makes my heart happy knowing you are well cared for when I can't be there.

I say to your Daddy all the time how I wish you could stay a baby forever, but we all know that can't happen.  You are sooo stinkin' cute and fun right now that I wish I could freeze time.  Truly though I can't wait to watch you grow and see more and more of the person the Lord has created you to be.

I witnessed you sleeping with your bum in the air the first time this morning.  I texted a picture to Dad.  You look like an angel when you sleep.  I rocked you this morning after giving you a bottle and with your face towards mine I could have sat there all day rocking and looking at you.  I was rocking you to sleep one night last week and signing when you looked up at me with the sweetest smile I may have ever seen.  My heart is so full of love for you it's crazy.

We moved your crib from your nursery downstairs up to our room.  You had been sleeping in your Pack N Play in our room, and we decided it was time to let you sleep in your own room.  That only lasted one night.  I didn't get good sleep with having you on the floor below us.  I was awake watching your monitor most of the night.  Your daddy moved the crib and rocking chair up to our room, and I feel much better about our sleeping arrangement now.  I bought an organic crib mattress, and I'm glad you're finally getting to use it.  I'm not sure why we didn't think of moving the crib sooner, but I'm glad we made the switch.  Speaking of sleep you've slept long stretches the last two nights which have been a welcomed change.

You started rolling over two weeks ago.  Kirstin sent me a video of you almost rolling from your back to your front.  She said you rolled from front to back that day on the bed.  I have only seen you roll from front to back once, and I actually got it on video!!  You roll from back to front all the time now.  When we lay you in your crib you immediately roll to your tummy.  You started this sometime last week.  Sometimes you roll over with one arm completely underneath you.  It looks pretty uncomfortable, so I adjust it hoping I don't wake you up.  Usually you keep snoozing away.

This whole rolling business though has made it difficult for me to get a shower in the morning during the week.  I usually put you on your activity mat right outside the bathroom where I can see you from the shower.  Now you roll over and get frustrated because you can't roll onto your back, so I have to hop out of the shower a couple of times to roll you back over.  I think it's time to get an exersaucer.

Sunday you started squealing.  I know I say this a lot, but it's so cute!  I love it.  I recorded a few minutes of you showing off your new trick and sent it out to aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

You've been bearing weight on your legs almost since you were born it seems.  You are really strong.  Your grip is something fierce, and you like to grab anything you can get your hands on including my hair!  You show interest in your toys, swat at things, and of course want to put everything in your mouth.  You have been drool city lately!

Your cheeks are so chubby.  I can not kiss them enough.  Everyone remarks on how cute and big you are.  You've gained weight so well.  You have to be at least 14 lbs.  We'll find out soon at your four month visit.  You will be 4 months this Saturday!  It's crazy!

We have traveled a lot in the short time you've been Earth side.  We've gone to Asheville three times and Raleigh once.  Our last trip to Asheville was April 5th and 6th.  The weather was beautiful.  It was a short and very busy trip, but my friend Heather came over to your great Nana's house and took some pictures of us.  Nana moved out of her house that weekend, and I wanted to have pictures of us there to always remember.  She has lived there since 1965, and I spent a great deal of my childhood there.  I know you won't remember it, but now we have pictures to show you and stories to tell when you're older.

Your Daddy and I love taking walks with you.  As soon as you were old enough we started using the jogging stroller.  You usually fall asleep.  Being able to walk everywhere is one of the reasons we moved to Davidson.  The weather lately has been gorgeous, so we all go for a walk nearly everyday walking between 2-4 miles.  We have worn you in a carrier for a few walks, but you don't always like it.  We bought a new carrier while we were in Asheville.  You seem to like to much better than any other ones we've tried.  Daddy carried you one time on his back during a walk, but you both got pretty sticky.

We love you so much and watching you grow and discover the world around you has been our greatest joy.



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